Bad Vampire Erotic Novels

Some time ago K. posted about this, abstrakt told me that there was a second part, which I just read. It’s hilarious. Even if you never read one single bad vampire novel, you will enjoy this. Here’s a small sample, which had me falling off my chair:

I’m beginning to think that the author has a big, old muzzle loaded musket that she stuffs all her punctuation down the barrel of and then shoots it at her unpunctuated manuscript. What sticks, sticks. The ones that don’t stick slide down off the pages and limp into the woods (of the damned) to lick their wounds and die with some small shred of remaining dignity because they didn’t make it into this book.

(Btw. I know that punctuation is one of my weak spots in English and I totally sympathise.)

And there’s the third part as well.

This is where the author’s spell-check committed ritual suicide, I think.

And #4.

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