
Why do I keep watching crap? Maybe I’m sick. Like mentally.

Right now, I’m watching Starmania, which is the Austrian “American Idol”. In the obligatory “get to meet me” section, one of the contestants, a guy who tries to look like Orlando Bloom and fails, says, “You know, I’m a bit of a Mr. Jekyll and Dr. Hyde. I’m a very balanced person.”

And he actually means it…


  1. *lol*
    I tried not to watch it. I really did.
    But I failed.

    Best news about the new season:
    I don’t know any of the candidates. Actually, I don’t think I even know anybody who knows any of the candidates. :D

  2. *facepalm* he probably thought it’d get smart chicks to vote for him…

    All our Idol contestants are in the same freaky church – do you guys have Assemblies of God (aka Hillsong) over in Europe? Giant concerts, rampant corruption and subversive conversion of school children at barbecues? The TV network makes them all sign a waiver that says if they mention God more than once in any episode they get booted off…

  3. Yeah, but that’s definitely not a successful strategy. Although he probably gets the dumb chicks voting for him because they think that he’s sooo smart…

    I don’t think we have that church, no. If we do, it’s really small.
    But I like the idea of that waiver… interesting concept.

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