

Short documentary on Jane Austen and her impact. Related: What Would Jane Do?

Another reading list if you don’t know what to read.

Michael Moorcock to write Doctor Who novel.

Free short story: Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by David Moles.


Women Made Movies Mostly Ignored.

I’m torn between being angry at Peta for once again objectifying women and laughing about the sexing up of Twilight.

[Related: De-Gaying Promotional Material for A Single Man.]

Michael Haneke might collaborate with Michel Houellebecq. Seems a natural choice.

Need a Who-is-who of British film? Just look at this cast list.

POC in Movies. Related:

(taken from here)


The first two minutes are absolutely awesome:

Can you say FAN GIRL ORGASM?


[via prestidigitator] Debate on whether the catholic church is a force of good in the world.

Ian McKellen on Religion and the Closet.


Mandelbulb: 3D Mandelbrot.

The Birth of a New Species.

Completely Different Things

Differences in Search Suggestions in Google.

1000 Awesome Things.


  1. You know…the more I think about it, the more I become convinced that a Haneke/Houellebecq collaboration would break my soul.
    I can imagine it… it would have a title like “Everything’s Fucked” (or rather some artful metaphor with the same basic meaning), and they’d hand out free razorblades with every ticket.

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