Weird and Cool

What link do you want to have first? The weirdly cool one or the cooly weird one? :)

Weirdly Cool: The GrammarBlog. I love those things. If you are into it, I can also recommend Lost in Translation (no, not the movie) by Charlie Croker. [“Greetings, large black man.” Remember the rest of the quote, deadra? I don’t have the book with me…] I also know some of this stuff in German, but I guess that’s not that interesting for you, is it?

Anyway, a quick quote, so you know what you’re getting into:

I had the misfortune (or stupidity, your call) to dislocate my shoulder over the weekend. I took the opportunity to peruse the walls of Newcastle General Hospital’s A&E Waiting Room. All patients in A&E are given a category numbered one to four; category one is for patients with life threatening conditions, while category four is the hammered moron who has yet to realise that A&E is not a toilet. To my disgust, there were glaring errors, both syntactically and semantically in categories 1 and 4. Allow me, if you will, to share the details:

Category 1
These patients are requiring immediate treatment as their life is, or has the potential to be life threatening. These patients are seen first.

Good to know that those patients whose life (not condition) is life threatening, are seen first. Essentially what you’re telling me, then, Newcastle General Hospital A&E Waiting Room, is that psychopaths are seen first. Or at least the potential ones. I see no problem there. I felt distinctly Category 1 after reading the description.

Category 4
These patients are well enough or have minor injuries which will wait in turn to see the doctor until all the above mentioned categories have been dealt with.

Since when have injuries had to wait in turn to see the doctor? Surely it would be a good idea to deal with the patients in a given category rather than the categories themselves.

Clearly the descriptions of categories 1 and 4 were written by the mentally incapable.

Cooly Weird: Roadkill Toys. No, that is not a typo. Thought the viruses (viri? virusses? *g*) where strange? Well, be prepared for stranger things.



  1. The bacteria were cool. Roadkill toys are just…ew.

    No, I don’t remember the rest of the quote, but I remember how we laughed – my sides still hurt thinking about it ^_^

  2. I’ll look the quote up when I get home. It was a great one.

    I just wonder who’d really buy that stuff? I mean, yeah, it’s fun, but I don’t want to spend 25$ on a joke present. And who would actually appreciate receiving such a present?

  3. Ok, here’s the quote I mentioned above (from the subtitles of some Hong Kong film):

    “Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.”

    Another one I really liked was this (same context):

    “Yah-hah, evil spider woman! I have captured you by the short rabbits and can now deliver you violently to your gynecologist for a thorough extermination.”

    God, this book kills me every time.

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