Uhm… Sigmund, what do you have to say?

So, I had this dream tonight. Usually, I don’t remember much about my dreams, but this one was kind of interesting, so it stuck.

I was a married man*. I don’t know exactly what my job was but it revolved around making feminist analysis**  of various things. Among them was a cartoon for kids drawn in the style of Kim Possible***. The cartoon was about a husband and wife going on some sorts of missions and always ended with them in bed, where the camera angle was such that it came from behind the guy’s shoulder (showing only his hair and ear) and focussed completely on the woman’s face. Anyway, all they ever did in the end was the woman refusing to have sex with the man****.

I think it’s kind of weird that I would be a man doing a feminist analysis of a TV show I invented myself. But, people, interpret away! I’d like some insight here…

*That happens rather frequently, I mean that I dream about being a man. No, that’s not right. I don’t dream about it, it usually really isn’t a big deal, I just am a man. I think this interesting in and of itself because I’m really sure about being a woman, both through my body and through my mind, but it’s not the point.

**What the hell is the plural of analysis?

***Or, as I refer to it, the pretty ugly modern style.

****Yes, I know it was supposed to be a kids’ show. Tell my subconscious.


  1. analyses? Ah, Webster’s dictionary confirms.

    I think it’s weird enough that you’re a man in the first place, but a “married” man is detail that’s irrelevant to the actual “plot” of the dream, which probably means it matters. Especially if you keep having it :) . Exactly how, I don’t know, but…well, worst (and overly obvious) case, you’re not as sure of your “gender identity” as you think you are?

    • Analyses. Good. Thanks. One never stops learning… :)

      Nah, I think I can discard doubting my gender identity. I’m pretty sure that would have shown before now (the man dreams are rather recent) and not only through my dreams. But who knows…

      I guess I have to delve into what being a man means to me and get some kind of meaning from there.

      Or maybe I just wanted to be cool. (I think men who are outspoken feminists incredibly cool and sexy.)

      But you’re right – it’s a detail that’s otherwise unnecessary so I’m pretty sure it’s important, too.

  2. I’ll try an interpretation as it seems easy with this dream.

    The whole dream might be about things you desire.

    The guy character is obviously likeable, interesting and the such … maybe someone you’d like to meet. As dreaming about meeting such a man is a bit too much of a “Prine Charming” fantasy and you consider yourself too cool and clever for that you simply dreamed of being him.

    Criticising TV shows would be a job that fits you (and one that you’d appreciate to have). At this moment the guy-character became “you” even more. … I could well imagine you analyzing TV shows according to feminist theory.

    • Interesting… That’s nothing I would have come up with.

      I think you overestimate my coolness if you think that I’d be too cool to dream of a Prince Charming. He’s just not very prince-y. ;)

      But you’re right, the TV show thing would be a really cool job. Very cool.

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