The Queen’s Corgi (2019)

The Queen’s Corgi
Director: Vincent Kesteloot, Ben Stassen
Writer: Rob Sprackling, Johnny Smith
Cast: [I saw the German dubbed version, but the original voices are:] Julie Walters, Tom Courtenay, Jack Whitehall, Matt Lucas, Colin McFarlane, Ray Winstone
Seen on: 2.5.2019

Content Note: rape culture, sexism, misogyny, domestic violence/abuse

When Rex (Jack Whitehall) is given as a gift from Prince Philip (Tom Courtenay) to the Queen (Julie Walters), he has probably won the lottery. He certainly holds a special place in the Queen’s heart, much to the jealousy of Charlie (Matt Lucas), another of the Queen’s corgis. When Donald Trump comes on a state visit, Rex gets in a bit of trouble and, needled on by Charlie, believes himself to be hated and unwanted now. Rex leaves Buckingham Palace – and that is only the beginning of his troubles.

I didn’t expect much from The Queen’s Corgi and I wouldn’t have watched it at all, if it hadn’t been for my nieces. But what I got was so much worse than what I expected, I was actually horrified by the sexist catastrophe that is this film.

The film poster showing the corgi Rex with a crown, scepter and royal purple.

Honestly, it’s quote an achievement to make a children’s films about dogs this sexist and misogynistic, but they manage that particular challenge impressively. There are exactly two female dogs in this film. One is a male nightmare in a pink jogger, constantly sexually assaulting any mal dog who comes close. You bet your ass that this is played as a running gag. Apparently rape and sexual assault are funny when women do it.

The other female dog is a male wet dream whose first appearance include a softly crooned, flirtatious song and a pole dance. Yeah, you read that right. We get a poledancing dog in this film. She is in an abusive relationship from which Rex saves her, of course. And, of course, she immediately has the hots for him after that because the plot demands that he be rewarded for his heroics.

Rex with a pleading look and a shoe with his face on it in his mouth.

The sexism doesn’t stop at the dogs, though. The Queen and Philip have a similarly sexist dynamic which is quite baffling because, from the little I know about the royal family, it is absolutely not how they are in real life. On top of all of this, the film ridicules Donald Trump in a way that makes him seem harmless, when he is anything but.

All of that means that I was incredibly uncomfortable throughout the entire film and was basically squirming in my seat. It is a horrible, horrible bit of cinema and I hope that my nieces will forget about it quickly.

Rex in the garden with an excited look.

Summarizing: Hell no.

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